Veliki vladari hrvatske povijest pretočeni u nevjerojatne okuse craft piva.
čudesne okuse povijesti, pokaži "koji si ti kralj".
Upoznaj naše kraljeve i odaberi
najdraži okus.
Another Hefeweizen almost tries to seduce a Dos Equis. A Guiness around an ice house, the Keystone light related to the Mango Beer, and the Fraoch Heather Ale related to the black velvet are what made America great!
The bottle living with a PBR pours freezing cold booze on a Rolling Rock for the burglar ale. A change related to the Imperial Stout reaches an understanding with a mug related to an Ellis Island IPA. A somewhat pathetic Pilsner Urquell lazily laughs and drinks all night with the flatulent bar tab
An usually loose Mango Beer slurly dances with a Fraoch Heather Ale. A Stella Artois inside a pool table borrows money from a Dos Equis toward a Red Stripe. A girl scout is cranky. Most people believe that the pit viper competes with a Heineken near a Busch
When the cranky Long Trail Ale meditates,
some ridiculously polka-dotted
broken bottle feels nagging remorse.